Straight teeth without extractions... New technology is helping the dental profession achieve remarkable results and treatments today are more discrete, faster and more comfortable.
The most attractive system for Adult Orthodontics, the Damon, enables a dramatic improvement in aesthetics. Referred to as “The Bracelift”, the Damon effect gives straight teeth without extractions, a broader dental arch with increased mid-face support and a full broad smile. This more youthful appearance naturally benefits the patient’s self-confidence.
optimal position of the teeth, a wider smile
The Damon system uses gated brackets instead of the traditional elastic ties to hold the wire in place. This reduces friction and allows the teeth to move more freely, allowing a much more pleasant orthodontic experience. The high-tech wires with shape-memory gently move the teeth to regain the wire’s original shape. This produces the Damon Arch with optimal position of the teeth, a wider smile and potentially-increased lip support.
Helping you choose the adult braces that are best for you, we also offer free consultations and convenient 0% finance payment plans. Find out more today.
