Volumiser Treatments Cause Minimal Discomfort.
As we get older, our skin loses collagen, and this decrease in structural protein can make the face look older and more drawn.
Volumisers such as Sculptra® add suppleness and definition to the face and help combat shallow to deep folds, lines, wrinkles, creases, sagging and hollow cheeks.
Volumiser treatments cause minimal discomfort and can take as little as 30 minutes. Patients may require up to three treatments over a timeframe of around six months. A single treatment per year is generally recommended to maintain facial volume, depending on individual requirements.
Volumisers are tailored to an individual’s particular needs.
More durable than other types of fillers, Sculptra® actually benefits the natural structure of the face by enabling it to replace lost collagen in the deep dermis. As these restorative injections enhance the skin’s collagen supply they add fullness, smoothness and firmness to shallow to deep facial wrinkles and folds. This reinforced structure provides a foundation for the gradual restoration of facial structure that been depleted over time. With its unique properties, Sculptra® subtly provides a natural and more youthful-looking appearance that can last more than two years.
To discuss all aspects of your volumiser treatment and book an appointment today, call no.8 Clinic Shannon St now on 061 490 710.